Character Bazaar

From Zezenia Online Wiki
The bazaar listing page allows sorting and filtering characters easily.

The Character Bazaar allows players to safely and securely trade characters between Zezenia Online accounts using Premium Card balance. Trading characters using the official Bazaar ensures a transparent process for all parties involved.

How it works

An example of a character bazaar auction page.

Players may list their characters for auction in the Character Bazaar. Buyers can see all relevant information about the character in the auction page including stats, levels, equipment & inventory contents, achievements and quests, bestiary progress, unlocked pets & outfits and more. The character can not be played by its owner during the auction.

Each auction is open for one to seven days, during which players can bid on the character. Once the winning bidder is found, the character & bid price minus fees are securely transferred between the buyer and seller's Zezenia Online accounts. Successfully trading a character will wipe its friends list and notify all players that it has changed owners.

If no bids are made on the character the auction will be cancelled. In this case the character will be unlocked and remain in the seller's account as usual.

Browsing auctions

Open the Bazaar List to view all the ongoing auctions. Characters may be filtered and sorted by their game world, class, subclass, level and skills.

Creating a new auction

To list a character on the Character Bazaar visit the characters list and click "Auction" next to the desired character.

Character requirements

The options available for creating an auction.

Only eligible characters may be listed on the Bazaar. The current requirements are:

  • Only characters level 50 or above can be listed on the Character Bazaar.
  • Only characters in permanent Game Worlds may be listed on the Character Bazaar. Seasonal characters may not be auctioned.
  • The character must not own a house at the time of listing.
  • The character must not be a member of any guild at the time of listing.
  • The character must not have any market listings active.
  • The character must not be pending deletion.
  • The character must have logged in after the last Game Update.
  • The character must not be set as your Main Character.
  • The character may not be a Sage.

Auction options

After verifying the requirements click "Continue" to continue the listing. Three options are available:

  1. Set the auction duration from one day (24 hours) to seven days (168 hours). Bidding will open right away after the auction is created.
  2. Set an opening price in Premium Cards. Bids from other players must meet at least the opening price to be accepted. The minimum starting price is 50 Premium Cards.
  3. Optionally add a Buy Now price in Premium Cards. The auction can be won instantly by bidding the Buy Now price.
A 15% service fee will be deducted from the final sale price leaving the seller with 85% of the Premium Cards. There is currently no fee for creating an auction.

Confirming the auction

A preview of the auction can checked below the form. If everything looks right click "Create auction" to confirm the auction and start taking bids right away!

Creating an auction is permanent and can not be undone or cancelled. Anybody may view and bid on the auction after it is created. You may not log into the character while the auction is open.

Bidding on auctions

The current asking price for an auction is shown on its auction page. Enter your bid and click "Place bid" to submit a bid. The entered number of Premium Cards must be available in your account balance. Making a bid will extend the ending time of the auction by one minute.

Submitted bids are permanent, binding and can not be cancelled. The bid is reserved from your Premium Card balance until the auction ends or you are outbid by someone else.

You will receive an email receipt for each bid, and an email whenever the auction is won or outbid by another player. Keep an eye on the auction page to make the winning bid!

Finishing an auction

An example of the "Traded Character" warning after an auction

Once the auction ending time has been reached or the Buy Now price is reached the auction will close.

  • The winning bidder will immediately receive the auctioned character. The character's friend list is wiped and the character will display a "Recently Traded" warning ingame. This warning will be shown for the next 30 days.
  • The former owner will receive the Premium Cards in their account balance, minus the service fee.
  • If no bids are made, the auction is closed and the character returns to its owner.