Calling Baphomet

From Zezenia Online Wiki
Calling Baphomet
Location Southern Shore
Minimum level 200

Inside Baphomet's Residence, you will find this structure:

In order to summon Baphomet, you will need to place items on the grey tiles in following order:

10 x Diamond (100k gold),
3 x Separated cursed eye,
100 x Meat

You will also need to kill 6 Fire Beings on each one of the 6 basins to light them up. I hardly recommend to lure them from the very beginning of dungeon. The whole thing should look like this:

Once everything is in the correct place, pull the lever located near the altar to summon Baphomet:

Baphomet will spawn on the left side of the room.
Image with both altar and lever for reference: